Carburator Problem?

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Carburator Problem?

Post by munchausendrive »

I'm new to the airhead world with the recent purchase of a 1972 R60/5. This is the first week that I've owned it and now it refuses to start. There is gas in the tank.

I think I've narrowed it down to a fuel problem. I can only get the engine to fire when the choke is fully engaged, but as soon as i start to let off the choke the engine dies. Trying to give it some throttle doesn't seem to do anything. For those brief periods where it is running I don't see any smoke that might indicate that it is running rich, as you would expect with the choke on.

It usually fires quickly, but does not like to stay running. I was able to keep it going by opening up the throttle. I thought it was simply slow to warm-up.

I'd appreciate any thoughts that more experienced members might have.


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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:43 am

Re: Carburator Problem?

Post by Jean »

Don't know how I missed this post...but better late than never.
Go back to a post titled "Struggling at 70mph" and read about carburetor issues there. Once again, it sounds like there is hidden gunk in the carbs.
75/5's have managed to have a variety of carbs fitted over the years, so what you have actually mounted on your bike would be nice to know.
With the gas we have now, Carbs seem to gunk-up rather quickly. The residue from gasoline is a lot more jelly-like than it used to be and it appears a lot faster.
Clemson, SC
R100s, R75/5
Posts: 1100
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:43 am

Re: Carburator Problem?

Post by Jean »

Once again, I'll plug the AIRHEADS. There's no Tech-Days listed for you immediate area just now, but if you haven't discovered the /5 website, try to find it. Since you have a 60/5, I guess you still have a Type 53 carb.
Back to the basic questions.
Was it running OK and THEN developed this problem?
Had it been sitting for a while? (before you got it)
Clemson, SC
R100s, R75/5
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