Insert Picture

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The Web Mistress
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Re: Insert Picture

Post by The Web Mistress »

justoneoftheguys wrote:
moonbeamerll wrote:Does Facebook count as a valid website to pull pictures from? I have tried twice using the Img function. I am now trying the URL button ... =1&theater
I tried clicking on your link and it didn't work.
One would probably have to be your "friend", or you would have to have your security settings on FB set so that anyone could look at your photos.
Hi guys. :) Note that I'm not a permanent fixture, but I do stop by from time to time to check in. This seemed like an answer I should chime in on...

So, here's the "official answer". Given FB's newest incarnation of "security", all photos regardless of user visibility are not "guarded" with an "https:" protocol. That "S" on the end of the familiar "HTTP" stands for "security". Which means, bottom line, you have to a member who's logged in to view said photo.

That said, there ARE work arounds... if you get all things web geek, you can get the photo regardless of the protocol. That said, one MUST have Firefox (with the FireBug extension installed) or Chrome (no extension necessary). While logged in, right click on the photo and select "Inspect Element". Look to the bottom, right pane and you'll see an underlined URL (in blue). Given I'm using a Mac, on Chrome, I right click on that URL and I am greeted with an options and I choose "Open URL in Tab". Firefox users (with the extension) I'm guessing would click on the URL and it would automatically bring it to another tab (or window depending on your saved preferences).

Miss you guys.... a lot. Believe it or not. :(
Deleted User 287

Re: Insert Picture

Post by Deleted User 287 »

The Web Mistress wrote:Miss you guys.... a lot. Believe it or not.
We have lots of lurkers (you know ;) )

Feel free to lurk anytime! :)

I've tried to, but I fail miserably. :(
richard t
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Re: Insert Picture

Post by richard t »

acr80 wrote:I apologize, but I can not figure out how to insert a photograph.

Thanks for your help
me tooo
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Re: Insert Picture

Post by Jean »

I'm not doing so hot with getting photos to post either.
GALLERY doesn't seem to work.
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Steve in Golden
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Re: Insert Picture

Post by Steve in Golden »

No the gallery does not work, and photo attachments are problematic because they use up space on the Boxerworks server as well as additional bandwidth on Matt's account. Last time I checked we had reached our attachment quota so it probably isn't allowing attachments.

So, you need to link to a picture stored on the internet somewhere. Lots of people, myself included, use Photobucket but there are many other sites that host photos, such as Picasa, smugmug, etc. You have to have an account on a photo sharing site in other words. You upload your picture to your selected photo sharing site. Then obtain the url for your photo, then post it here surrounded by img tags.

For example let's say I have a photo stored on the Photobucket server at this location: ... K_King.png

I copy the link, paste it into a message, highlight it, then click the Img button. The code will then look like this:

Code: Select all

And here is the result. One of ZM's favorite photos.

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