Zombie Master wrote:
I wouldn't do that. I am aware that traffic police are the lowest rung of the enforcement ladder. Those cops are the least talented and are easiest to fool. I'm nice to them until they give me a nuisance ticket. Then I attempt to educate them on wasting tax dollars, I chide them for revenue gathering. I fight all tickets. I win 50%.
First, your representation of traffic police is entirely false. They are not even close to the lowest rung of the enforcement ladder, which would be, in my estimation: parking enforcement. Making traffic stops is, in fact, generally considered to be the most dangerous thing officers have to do. Enforcement of speed limits, drunk driving laws, and people running stop lights all have a very important impact on keeping people alive; it is in no way merely revenue gathering. Parking enforcement, on the other hand, is 100% revenue gathering.
Second, it is a "nuisance ticket" because? The fact that you find the law a nuisance does not make the officer's enforcement of the law a "nuisance ticket." If they are giving you a ticket for going 3 - 4 kph over the limit, I would certainly consider that a nuisance ticket. If you merely find it a nuisance that you are expected to follow the law, that does not make the ticket a nuisance, it makes you a nuisance to the roads and the courts.
Zombie Master wrote:So as far as I'm concerned the law doesn't apply to me, because I ride for safety and not compliance.
This is a complete lie, apparently one you are making to yourself. You do not ignore speed limits for safety, you ignore them because you don't want to go that slow. It could certainly be true in the occasional situation, but, as a argument for speeding as a general behavior, it is completely bogus. I only describe it as a lie because the only other option is you are a complete idiot, and I do not believe this is the case, even if the "logic" you are using to defend your position may argue that it is.