1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

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1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by jgleadle »

Please help me decide, I just installed the enduralast charge kit and am really happy with the experience, i tried to buy the enduraspark ignition but it is backordered until Q1 2013,now i have also considered the Silent Hecktik 3 spark that works with the Ducati style alt. delivered they come out to the same basic value for included parts; 500 for SH that comes with a coil and plug wires or 400 for Enduraspark. too me they are equal in expense. So i guess i am asking whats better for performance and durability, Enduraspark or SH. why?

please don't tell me points, thats a different topic i am not really interested in
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by mattcfish »

Silent Hektik hands down. The Enduraspark only has two advance curves, if you want to tune for performance the SH is the ticket. It also has multiple spark discharge. Both have solid reputations for longevity (the Enduraspark is made by Sachse).
Not sure about your pricing though, I think your SH price is just for the ignition, not the coils.
I actually going to adapt an optical Sachse (designed for the stock Alternator) to work on my Enduralast. Lots more tune-ability and substantially less than an SH.
An extension for the front cover and a purpose built bracket will be required. I was successful doing this with an Omega, so this will be relatively easy for me.
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by jgleadle »

Enduraspark 399.00 plus 40 shipping
SH 330 euro plus 97 euro shipping exchanges to 540.00 so basically 100 more and i get a new coil plus and wires

SH includes 1 twin tower coil plugs and wires, plus i am not duel plugged so i only need 1coil.

cool i guess i will order SH then.
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by Garnet »


That 397 e includes 19% VAT, so you only pay 334 e. :D

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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by chasbmw »

I have the silent hektik on my 1070 bike, it's been fitted for about 4 years and I have the Sachse optical ignition on my R90/6 (the edurolast ignition contains Sachse components), both bikes are dual plugged and fitted with the Ricks type 450w alternators

Both ignitions seem to work very well and provide appropriate curves for the bikes, fitting the Sachse ignition was cheaper because it was comparable with a set of brown Dyna coils I had. With the Sachse I had to relive the front timing cover a bit so that it cleared the rotating optical trigger.

The Sachse has a better method of setting the initial timing, plus an LED to show when the ignition triggers, the SH method is a bit more hit and miss. Sachse claim that the use of an optical trigger mounted on the alternator is superior because unlike a Hall sensor it is not affected by any electrical fields produced by the alternator. All I know is that both systems continue to work well.

Remember to fit 5000ohm resistor spark plug covers, NGk make them and they cost next to nothing.
Replica 1070 R90/S (based on 82 RT)
1975 R90/6
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by jgleadle »

any one have any idea if this kit comes with english install instructions?
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by Garnet »

jgleadle wrote:any one have any idea if this kit comes with english install instructions?

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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by jgleadle »

thanks, kind of vague instructions, ohh well ill figure it out. hope it comes before the xmas rush. any ideas what initial timing and curves would be best for a 2 plug tourer, probably just recommended is safe to start with, ehh.
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by jgleadle »

thanks, kind of vague instructions, ohh well ill figure it out. hope it comes before the xmas rush. any ideas what initial timing and curves would be best for a 2 plug tourer, probably just recommended is safe to start with, ehh.
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Re: 1974 R90/6, Ignition debate, which one?

Post by Garnet »

Here are the install instructions for the EME (Sachse) ignition:
http://www.euromotoelectrics.com/v/vspf ... .30.11.pdf

There is a good explination in there somewhere on airhead timing.

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