These are the 32mm /9 and /10 carbs. In hindsight, i probably should have bought a set of newer, 32mm carbs from a /7 instead of re-using the /5 32mm carbs. Anyhow...
First, i am having a difficult time getting a low, balanced idle on my latest /5 build. Everything has been rebuilt (engine, carbs, entire bike, Dyna Ignition added, Custom exhaust, etc..) and I fired the bike up this weekend for the first time.
The throttle plates make a nice seal inside the carb. the choke is off. Timing is OK (last I checked).
I went for a 'break-in' ride and came back and adjusted the carbs. It would idle a bit too high.
I am told that the hole in this photo is too big and creates a leak of sorts so the choke is always goofy (photo taken before i rebuilt and cleaned carbs):

Is there a way to fix or modify that hole to make it smaller?
Next question....
After that ride and cool down, the valves have been re-adjusted and the heads re-torqued. Still an iffy idle (too high and not balanced).
I took it for a 20 mile freeway ride today and at the end of the ride, the idle was super high (3k-4k rpm).
I let the bike cool, started it up, and the idle was low again (but back to being slightly too high).
What would cause the idle to get so high after then engine is hot like that?
Thanks in advance...
The excitement of my restoration being back on the road is halted because of all this.