Sounds great Ken, but what is everyone else going to drink?Ken in Oklahoma wrote:Right now I'm thinking in terms of about 8 cases of beer.

And I was just kidding about trying to carry a cooler full of beer, obviously that's not going to be very practical on a MC. The poor bike is already groaning under the weight I've piled on it.
Ken it sounds like it's going to be a really fun rally! Looking forward to it and I will of course be kicking in some $ towards beer and victuals, etc. And I really appreciate all the work you are putting in, the caterers you are hiring, and everything else you are doing, including supplying a great place for the rally!Ken in Oklahoma wrote:Steve, I'm laying in a stock of beer in a cooler. The beer will be an assortment of domestic brews including some lites. I took that approach simply because of the problem you're having right now. So it would be up to you if you want to pack beer, for example some brews that you particularly enjoy and want others to enjoy as well.
And I'm looking forward to a lively discussion on counter-steering with Duane.