The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

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Steve in Golden
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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by Steve in Golden »

Ken in Oklahoma wrote:Right now I'm thinking in terms of about 8 cases of beer.
Sounds great Ken, but what is everyone else going to drink? :D Just kidding of course.

And I was just kidding about trying to carry a cooler full of beer, obviously that's not going to be very practical on a MC. The poor bike is already groaning under the weight I've piled on it.
Ken in Oklahoma wrote:Steve, I'm laying in a stock of beer in a cooler. The beer will be an assortment of domestic brews including some lites. I took that approach simply because of the problem you're having right now. So it would be up to you if you want to pack beer, for example some brews that you particularly enjoy and want others to enjoy as well.
Ken it sounds like it's going to be a really fun rally! Looking forward to it and I will of course be kicking in some $ towards beer and victuals, etc. And I really appreciate all the work you are putting in, the caterers you are hiring, and everything else you are doing, including supplying a great place for the rally!

And I'm looking forward to a lively discussion on counter-steering with Duane.
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

Steve in Golden wrote:Ken it sounds like it's going to be a really fun rally! Looking forward to it and I will of course be kicking in some $ towards beer and victuals, etc.

Steve, the way I handle the money part of it is to put out a donations jar. I don't know or want to know who donates how much money. I figure that people will donate at their comfort level and therefore they will leave with all happy memories. That's important to me. And that has worked out well for me on all the past rallies.

On the whole the donations have amounted to the lions "share" of the cost. And my attitude is that I'm the one hosting the rally, but I don't expect full reimbursement. I am enjoying the rally also and that's worth something to me. Plus I don't have to endure the butt burn going and coming to it. When long distance riding is discussed I bill myself as a marshmallow butt rider.

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Re: When you're dirty

Post by richard t »

Ken in Oklahoma wrote:
Ken in Oklahoma wrote:I've just come back from the Big Cedar RV park (about 0.4 miles as the crow flies and 0.5 miles by road). The Big Cedar RV park is under new ownership so I went there to make sure that they still welcomed people to come take a shower in their bath house. They do. The price may have gone up. It's $5 now, but if you find yourself too dirty to stand yourself I reckon it would be well worth it. . . .
I neglected to mention that my outdoor solar shower setup is no longer available. I had a problem with my Direct TV service which could only be corrected by installing a new dish (which would look at 3 sattelines not one). Even though the programming I wanted only needed to look at the one satellite, Direct TV policy wouldn't let them put up a semi-functional setup. As those who have been here know, I have a lot of trees, and it turned out that there were only a couple possible locations for the new dish. The one that I really needed to use required cutting down the trees where the shower was. So the shower came down.


no problem with shower, with all the rain the creek probably has a water hole or 2
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

One of the problems with the rally at my place is that I'm about 25 miles away from the nearest gas station. (Heavener, OK is about 25 miles away and Mena, AR is 30 miles away.) I know from personal experience that it's all to easy to end up here with the gas low enough to cause concern about fuel. For the rally I've laid in 8 gallons of non-ethanol premium gas (91 octane). So some gass is available here, certainly enough to get a few people to a station.

I figure that I'm likely to have a lot of gas left over so I've put Stabil in it already.

I know of two gas stations in Mena that feature no-ethanol gasoline. One of them offers both regular and premium. The other one I don't know about, except that I saw a no-ethanol sign. I drove through and saw a 10% ethanol sticker on a pump. I'm guessing that they must sell both ethanol and non-ethanol gas, but I don't know for sure.

I haven't seen a station in Heavener that advertises no-ethanol gas yet, but there is one that might have it. Hopefully I'll have that checked out by rally time.

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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

I just heard from Don Roberts (Wichita KS). He and his wife will be attending the rally. I've suggested that he bring his pipes.

He's going to tell his riding buddies but he doesn't know anything yet.

Randy, when you read this, how about adding Don and wife to your map? Thanks.

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Doug in Arlington
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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by Doug in Arlington »


What is the local weather suppose to be like this weekend?

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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by montmil »

Doug in Arlington wrote:Ken,

What is the local weather suppose to be like this weekend?

I've been watching AccuWeather all month. Mena AR is the closest reporting station. No rain in the forecast and temps in the low 80s. What's not to like?

I'm so giddy with excitement about the Rally that I haven't even risen to the Miller Lite beer bait that Mike "Bengt Phorqs" Crenshaw keeps casting in front of me. :geek:=Beer Goggles

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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by richard t »

montmil wrote:
Doug in Arlington wrote:Ken,

What is the local weather suppose to be like this weekend?

I've been watching AccuWeather all month. Mena AR is the closest reporting station. No rain in the forecast and temps in the low 80s. What's not to like?

I'm so giddy with excitement about the Rally that I haven't even risen to the Miller Lite beer bait that Mike "Bengt Phorqs" Crenshaw keeps casting in front of me. :geek:=Beer Goggles

I'll be limping in sat I have something I half to do friday. You need me to bring anything let me know I'll be on 4 wheels

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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: The Official Thread for the May 2013 Boxerworks Rally

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

richard t wrote:I'll be limping in sat I have something I half to do friday. You need me to bring anything let me know I'll be on 4 wheels

Mongo... Ready to rock!

Great Richard. All you need to bring is some stories. :lol:

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Steve in Golden
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Re: Gasoline

Post by Steve in Golden »

Ken in Oklahoma wrote:I know of two gas stations in Mena that feature no-ethanol gasoline. One of them offers both regular and premium. The other one I don't know about, except that I saw a no-ethanol sign. I drove through and saw a 10% ethanol sticker on a pump. I'm guessing that they must sell both ethanol and non-ethanol gas, but I don't know for sure.
I thought it was the law that all gasoline had to have corn in it to keep the tree-huggers happy (I am a tree hugger BTW)? Apparently not if these guys are selling it, but why are these guys selling it and not others if it isn't the law?

I'm so cornfused.
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