You'll be fine Ray, just take your time and don't force anything, and when measuring for shims check and re-check.
I used the gasket under the shim plate and used said gasket upon assembly. No leaks.
Some folk don't use a gasket and use a sealant instead, apparently without trouble.
The bmw manual contains several mistakes throughout.
Some folk also say to measure from shim plate to bearing i.d. next to shaft. My problem with doing so is that the i.d. doesn't run against the shims, and in my case I measured a step up to the i.d. from the o.d.
That may well have been the result of the bearing 'hanging' off the inner race....
Anyhowz, torqued shim plate with gasket to bearing, minus depth of pocket in cover, minus .05mm endplay = shim stack thickness.
Take several measures around each bearing, measure cover plate pocket depths with parallels ideally, measure each shim thickness.
If the shim stack/s are too thick, the input shaft will go from 'loose' with a loose cover plate, to stiffening once the cover plate is torqued.
If this occurs, cover plate must be removed and shim stacks reduced by .02mm and retried.
It may only be one stack that causes a stiffening input shaft, but you won't know which one.
So that's where the 'measure and re-measure' comes in.
A slight stiffening of the input shaft (Gidday ZM!

) can be cured by a wack on the end with a plastic/copper mallet.
If the input shaft stiffens up well before the cover is fully torqued/tightrened, Off with the cover again!!