1984 r65ls engine knock?

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1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Squiddy »

I recently purchased an 84 r65ls. Its my first bike and after about a 1,000 miles I began to hear a slight klacking sound while idling. And now while driving there is a loud knock while the throttle is open. However the knock disappears after releasing the throttle and during downshifting. I have zero experience working on motorcycles so I brought it to a helpful neighbor who rides and works on bikes. (Few airheads however). Popped off the valve covers and checked the pushrods, rockers, valves and springs. All of which are fine. Not knowing what to do next or even where to start my neighbor then gave me some advice. "Don't put any money in it. Ride it until it dies."

Needless to say I have a hard time accepting that. Yes it could turn in to a money pit, but who knows. I haven't the space, tools, or time to start going through everything and I don't want to ask my neighbor to use all his free time tearing the entire bike down. If anyone has any advice on even where to start would be extremely helpful.

I cant just let this sweet ride die
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by montmil »

Did your neighbor actually check and confirm the valve lash clearances? Or was it just a visual inspection?

A long screwdriver or a mechanics stethoscope might help locate where the racket is coming from. Do a little investigating and report back with your findings.
1981 R65
1983 R65
1978 R100S
1995 Triumph Trophy
Deleted User 287

Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Squiddy wrote:"Don't put any money in it. Ride it until it dies."
I guess it's not his money that purchased it, eh?

I would look for a different "friend".

Where are you? It is possible that there are Airhead Beemer Club members near you, possibly even with a tech session!

I cannot remark on your original query, except to make sure the timing is correct, and your advance weights in the bottom of the can with the ignition trigger in it are moving on their pivots freely, and the springs are in good shape. There is a small inspection port on the side for this, but it is easier done off the bike on the work bench.
Mark the position of the can before you remove it from the engine. It pivots slightly allowing you to adjust the timing.

Also, try using the highest grade fuel in your area.
It's also possible that there is such a build-up of carbon in the heads/piston crowns that it is increasing your compression to the point that it is uncontrollable. (is this a real possibility, guys?)

Two other ignition related items on your bike that may need attention:
The heat sink on the ignition module may need fresh heat-conducting paste between the heat sink and the unit. See your local electronics store for new.

If your bike has the original coil, you should start looking for a replacement. If it is not already cracked and allowing moisture in, it will at some point. I am sure it has been replaced already.

And the original metal-cap spark plug caps are junk. Get fresh wires and NGK caps. I always bought mine from this guy:
Keep the soldered-on tips that fit into the coils, if you do still have the original wires. They are the cat's pajamas when it comes to connecting the end of the wire to the coil. And you can re-use them until you die. (Thanks, Jean!)
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Jean »

Rob, I LUV you. I'm glad the bad cat didn't get to my notes!!
Year-by-year I'm becoming the old dame with the really OLD bike at rallys.

Squiddy, how does the engine sound when it's just idling?
Does the knocking noise stay the same in all the gears?

Justoneoftheguys is right...I would have said the same. Get acquainted with the Airheads and see if someone is nearby who KNOWS these bikes. They aren't complex and we have been keeping g them alive for a long time.
Stay in touch.
Clemson, SC
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Duane Ausherman
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Duane Ausherman »

I want to know what happens are 30-40 mph in third gear. Does it knock when you give a bit of throttle, or when you back down on the throttle?
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Deleted User 287

Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Are you keeping the engine above 3500 RPM before loading the engine?
These engines REALLY don't like being lugged.
On my R65, I was usually running 4000 or better. The R65 engine likes to rev, don't be shy.
Major Softie
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Major Softie »

Everyone is trying really hard to find that you don't have a bad rod bearing, because, if you do, you have major repairs ahead and just driving it into the ground is a very bad idea.

It would really serve you well to find someone local who knows Airheads well and can tell you for certain if you are doing something wrong, or if you have something wrong.
MS - out
Duane Ausherman
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by Duane Ausherman »

MS, you put it perfectly. Yes, we are all doing our best to find good news.
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by khittner1 »

Just your first BMW, or is it really your first bike? If the latter, what's known about the engine oil supply?
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Re: 1984 r65ls engine knock?

Post by montmil »

You out there?

What's happening with your LS?
1981 R65
1983 R65
1978 R100S
1995 Triumph Trophy
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