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Post by michael »

Is it possible to buy an original owners manual for a 1978 R100/7?
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Re: manuals

Post by Jean »

Try BOB's BMW. They may have an original, and if not, a reproduction.
You might also try AMAZON and e-bay...When I was shopping for side covers I recall seeing "someone" who had owner's manuals for sale, on e-bay.
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Re: manuals

Post by dwerbil »

I believe the "T" model is virtually identical to the /7 other than the seat and a few other cosmetic things..... ... 0944262454

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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: manuals

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

michael wrote:Is it possible to buy an original owners manual for a 1978 R100/7?
Sure. All you have to do is find one for sale at a price you can afford!

Setting aside my wise-ass answer, by "owner's manual" I believe you're referring to a little blue booklet which is model year specific but not specific by the actual type model. This booklet gives some good information, mostly about the care and feeding of your airhead. I don't have one handy to look at but it is roughly 4"x5" and I would say about 30 pages thick. The pages themselves are glossy.

The place to find one would probably be on ebay or perhaps a purveyor of used airhead parts. I've not heard of any new ones being available or any re-prints. But then there are several things I haven't heard of.

It's fairly rare to come across one that isn't water damaged. Typically the booklets reside in the tool tray and typically the booklets get wet when the bike is washed. This sticks pages together and even makes the blue jacket color run, IIRC. None of my /6 and /7 series bikes have had a tool tray with an actual cover on it.

One thing you could do is to advertise on the IBMWR want ads or the BMWMOA want ads for such a booklet. Back when I was purchasing quite a few parts I was able to find fairly rare items simply by advertising for what I wanted. The IBMWR want ads used to have a few scammers. A typical response to an ad might read something like, "I have what you're looking for, in stock, in excellent condition." There might be a price listed or not. Usually not. And there's not anything actually talking to the specifics of the part. What you just read as a response was generic and an easy copy and paste reply which, if they can get you to engage, just might allow them to run their scam. If I exchange actual information about an actual part I feel pretty comfortable buying in such a manner. I have been burned a couple times, but luckily not badly.

But I digress.

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Re: manuals

Post by Duane Ausherman »

That manual should be easy to find. I just sold off a bunch of owner's manuals for bikes as far back as 1950. A couple went cheaply and many brought good money. Well, as good as the government prints, which isn't saying much.
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Re: manuals

Post by rekerkayak »

How bout a new copy. Series 2 valve Twin
77 R100/7
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