Bing CV top leak

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Bing CV top leak

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My 91 r100 has Bing 32 cv carbs. I'm cleaning and servicing them and I found that the welch plug, the shiny round press plug in the very top of the cap leaks. I think it should be leak proof? What do you advise - it isn't replaceable and I think Snowbum mentioned epoxy - any other ideas? Thanks - Rod
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Re: Bing CV top leak

Post by Jean »

Should be LEAKPROOF, and epoxy is the quick and best fix. Wonder how they got loose?
Take the tops off and clean them really good - get rid of any oily or greasy film.
Then apply epoxy around the seal edges. CAREFULLY if you want a neat job.
I've seen a few fixed with silicone glue. NOT pretty!!
Clemson, SC
R100s, R75/5
Deleted User 287

Re: Bing CV top leak

Post by Deleted User 287 »

I tried "fixing" a plastic diaphragm retaining ring (no metal ring held down by screws) with some kind of silicone.
I found it did not mix well with gasoline.

After 130 miles:


This is what failed:


I spent the night in a motel half-way to the Gathering of the Clans one year, and was stopped by this in WV or someplace.

There was a Wal*Mart nearby and I was able to find some putty that you cut off a chunk and knead it to mix the two parts, and then apply it to the surface:


It was amazing that the added weight on the left carb did not affect the balance - at least not noticeably. In fact, my ride home the next day was quite pleasant!

New plastic rings solved that problem.
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Re: Bing CV top leak

Post by SteveD »

A little epoxy on the top, or even the silicone. It can look messy so maybe bling the carb top.
A small roundel isn't uncommon, a deutchmark would be wunderbar.
I use a Euro.

Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

1982 R100RSR100RS supergallery.
2006 K1200R.
1994 R1100GS.
Deleted User 287

Re: Bing CV top leak

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Yeah, those are one of my favorite 1-Euro coins. Greece is cool, too.

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