How's this for a project bike

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Re: How's this for a project bike

Post by Sibbo »

Garnet wrote:Very nice Ken,

I'm jealous. :mrgreen:

Ever heard of a Vindian?


Indian shipped a 1948 Chief rolling chassis over to England and Phil Irving stuffed a Series B engine into it. Here he is on it:


The blue one is a replica built by a crazy Aussie, the original vanished after testing. Everyone wonders if that bike could have kept Indian and Vincent alive a few more years.
That is WRONG on so many levels ! :o
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Re: How's this for a project bike

Post by enigmaT120 »

"ou saw from Dwerbil's pics Duane Ausherman was there as I was extracting my old bikes to get at the two I wanted to take with me. We sat together a bit and he challenged me to tell him what was so good about British bikes. They were inferior in every way to the BMWs he sold and rode back then."

Ken, why did you forget handling?
Ed Miller
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Re: How's this for a project bike

Post by Garnet »

bbelk wrote:
Ken in Oklahoma wrote:Does your wife know about her? :D
Fraid so......

See, you DO meet the nicest people on a Honda. 8-)

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Re: How's this for a project bike

Post by Sibbo »

Why do I keep coming back to this thread ? ;)
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Ken in Oklahoma
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Re: How's this for a project bike

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

enigmaT120 wrote:"You saw from Dwerbil's pics Duane Ausherman was there as I was extracting my old bikes to get at the two I wanted to take with me. We sat together a bit and he challenged me to tell him what was so good about British bikes. They were inferior in every way to the BMWs he sold and rode back then."

Ken, why did you forget handling?
Damn! How could I have possibly forgotten that? If only I'd thought to talk about that, Duane would surely have come over to my point of view.

It would have been the first time ever that I swayed them.

Oh well, as the philosopher Don Merideth (QB of the Dallas Cowboys) once said,
"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, oh what a fine Christmas we'd have."

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