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Re: Monoshock RT & RS owners protect your main wiring harnes

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:01 pm
by dougie
Keep watching E-bay.
I am sure I saw one in the last year.

Re: Monoshock RT & RS owners protect your main wiring harnes

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:17 pm
by barndeadr80
I've no idea what specific PN you are looking for, but using two #'s that showed up as NA on maxbmw came up as available here. Like you say, might be a comlpetely different story on the phone. Also, I have ordered parts and gotten them from places where they are listed as NA. Screwed up systems. A search within the site by the # would find it, and it was there.
Never dealt with these people. Know nothing about them. Have to wonder how they list a RT harness for $350 when one for my plain R80 is $950 elsewhere.