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Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:42 pm
by Deleted User 62
Yep, more angled than stock, and missing the running light above the headlight: Image

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:13 pm
by R85/8
Anyone know where to get one?

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:00 am
by vanzen
The Habermann Spitfire II was an expensive fairing in it's day
that was in (limited) production for many years previous to BMW's introduction of the RS.
The fairing had an excellent (aerodynamics / sport-protection) reputation
and was considered quite THE desirable item –
With no known history of "frying the engine",

even as it is still not an RS clone ...

Boxercafe is making #1 quality repros in epoxy –
which promises significantly less weight than the original.

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:59 pm
by Chuey
Armaguidon13 wrote:it seems this bike had been also lowered
Praise the lowered!


Edit, punk-chuey-a-shun

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:30 pm
by vanzen
Armaguidon13 wrote:it seems this bike had been also lowered
Nothing about this machine is "stock" or after-market accessory attainable –
None the less, and every due credit to the builder(s) – a very cool machine without a doubt

but unless you are willing to invest a significant amount personal involvement –
Best to just give up the idea of replicating ...

There will always be those things that you just can't buy off the shelf ...
even as you might be momentarily if reluctantly
willing to lift your tight ass off of the wallet.

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:16 am
by R85/8 wrote:...but unless you are willing to invest a significant amount personal involvement –
Best to just give up the idea of replicating ...

There will always be those things that you just can't buy off the shelf ...
even as you might be momentarily if reluctantly willing to lift your tight ass off of the wallet.
I was after information, not insults.

I'm quite happy to put time, effort, and money into getting it just how I want. It's only a fairing and it wouldn't be more difficult than building a boat from scratch (which I have done).

All I was wanting to know was if there was already a replica of the BMW R100RS fairing available. No point in me building one if I could simply buy one.

I haven't found any replicas in my searches, so maybe there's a business opportunity here for someone.

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:22 am
by SteveD
Occasionally here in Oz, a replica RS fairing will be offered to buy. They're usually a one piece that uses the oem everything else to fit.

So, in the past there was someone here making them. However, I haven't seen anything to suggest they continue in production. Demand might be an issue.

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:46 am
by Chuey
R85/8 wrote:
I was after information, not insults.
Having seen many a post from vanzen, I can say that he can be direct (a good quality in my book) but I doubt he was trying for an insult. He, like some others of us here, likes to try for the colorful turn of phrase once in a while. I think that's the direction that was headed. I have noticed that in the vast majority of his posts, he uses the word "will". He uses it correctly, but a little differently than most. That usage will be the teller if we ever suspect aliens have taken him over.


Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:04 am
by twist
I'm confused.....I thought a "tight ass" was reference to great splines in the final drive.

Re: R100RS fairing - any replicas?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:08 pm
by vanzen
R85/8 wrote:...I was after information, not insults.

Many involved in the mc sport today
have lost any ability or desire to "make" and "build" –
They will see no other choice but to simply purchase the item
and then expect it to "plug-n-play".

Without a doubt, the airhead community also tends to be rather frugal –
Items offered onto the market will be ridiculed as being too expensive, whatever the price,
and whatever the cost and involvement necessary to produce that part ...

Just my cynical – and generic - observations.

I am the first to applaud one's decision and to appreciate the effort necessary "to roll your own" ...
Even as I'd then retire to the garage and do it for myself ...

No personal offense was intended, R85/8 –