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Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:02 pm
by Garnet
Sunbeem wrote: and the number of spots for a quiet toke, and to ponder the age old question "Is it better to have loved a short girl, than never to have loved a tall ?".

Well Beem I have to tell you, that it it is best of all to have loved my short girl than all the tall at all. :D

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:34 am
by Zombie Master
I only care that I can get a collectors plate and reduce my insurance by 80%. That's here in British Columbia. Other than that, I will improve the performance and reliability as much as I can.

When I was selling my Guzzi I posted this pic:

I got several really pissed off replies saying how the bike was all wrong. I had to tell these guys to get a life. In the end, a fellow fell in love with my restoration and improvements, and payed a good price for a fine machine.

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:44 am
by Garnet
Zombie Master wrote:
When I was selling my Guzzi I posted this pic:

I got several really pissed off replies saying how the bike was all wrong. I had to tell these guys to get a life. In the end, a fellow fell in love with my restoration and improvements, and payed a good price for a fine machine.

Well you have some nerve, just look at that seat and that rear fender. It's no wonder you're banned from the Guzzie site.

And we won't mention the muffs.

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:45 am
by Deleted User 287
Silly me, except for the seat on the Guzzi I would have thought it was stock.

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:35 am
by Sunbeem
Quite right Chuey, that's an old "Bump Mortiser" which has been slowly destroying the floor of my shed, and is now in pastures new. It came from a local "BIg House" where it would have put the slots in roof beams and gate backs. I've about 20 differently shaped chisels for it, and if you roll your own smokes, it's perfect for trimming the ends.
It's special purpose is the cutting down to a reasonable size of the licence plates we have, which are made from recycled picnic tables.
I've been promising Gertrud a nice old-fashioned black and ally plate, but alas! I've just discovered she's too young, so the cutting down option is the only way to protect my cherished guru status.

I've never met an Architect who didn't have a touch of the "Folies" 'Bear, but none with the inspired passion of the Victorians, who have bequeathed a marvelous variety of oddities which dot our landscape. A wealthy man in those days could do whatever he could afford to do, and many a whim was followed until the family coffers were exhausted.
I've never googled Victorian eccentrics, but one day, when I've a few hours to spare... What a subject for a thesis.

Image Shack seems to be using me for its own nefarious purposes -- casinos, Obama, where's my cut ?


PS. Next week --- How to make shocker covers from the beer can of your choice ... state your case loud and proud, are you a manly Budweiser fan, or a cool Fanta kind of a guy ?

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:59 am
by dougie
Sunbeem wrote:PS. Next week --- How to make shocker covers from the beer can of your choice ... state your case loud and proud, are you a manly Budweiser fan, or a cool Fanta kind of a guy ?
For your bike 'Beem?

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:51 pm
by Rob Frankham
Duane Ausherman wrote:It is human nature to want to worship at some alter,
Given the subject... is that some kind of freudian slip or what???

Duane the Alterboy.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:29 pm
by Sunbeem
It could have been his altar ego Rob ...


Re: Duane the Alterboy.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:50 am
by Major Softie
Sunbeem wrote:It could have been his altar ego Rob ...

If you have an altar ego, does that mean you worship yourself? :o

Re: Make your life easy

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:02 pm
by Chuey
Good catch, sir Robin. By the way, I've decked out two of my bikes so far with your grounding loom and it seems to have cured the glowing charge light on "The Captain", my RS traveling bike. So, Thanks!
