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30203 or are they?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:49 am
by ME 109
Bought some 30203 bearings today but could have been caught out again if I didn't know better.
The seller had 30203J bearings.
A little while back I thought I'd finally understood my rear wheel pre load problems when it all came unstuck again.
The culprit to a great degree was a 30203J bearing.
The J version has a much larger shell radius where it sits up against its seat in the wheel, resulting in less 'seat' to support the bearing.
The height of the 30203J shell is about 1mm higher than a plain 30203. that may or may not be a problem.
I have also found a 30203A shell in my haunted house dead parts collection, but can't recall if it gave trouble.

So watch out for those J's. man.


Re: 30203 or are they?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:01 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
Save those bearings! If you ever get a Honda CX500TC and it needs new swingarm bearings you'll be in great shape!

(In case you're wondering how I can hold such rare information in my head, I can't. Just for the hell of it I googled 30203J.)


Re: 30203 or are they?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:03 am
by Garnet
BR30203 should also have the plain race.

At least I hope so as I have them in one of my bikes. :?