RS and /5 fork question - cap on leg?

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RS and /5 fork question - cap on leg?

Post by jjwithers »

the RS has a small cap at the top of the fork leg, near the fender (probably to protect the fork seals). part number 31421237205

will that cap work on a /5 set of legs?
If so, how does it attach to the leg?

is there a even smaller cap available?

I am trying to run without rubber gaitors, yet still have something there to protect the seals.
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Re: RS and /5 fork question - cap on leg?

Post by SteveD »

The cap on the white RS is post 1980 and is smaller. The cap on the gold is pre 1981and larger. For either to be effective on the /5 I s'pose the fork tubes need to be the same size as the later models. What does a /6 use?


The caps on the monos have a larger id so wouldn't work.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: RS and /5 fork question - cap on leg?

Post by teo »

Look up the caps on a 1974 and later R90S. They are longer than the caps in the picture but are made for the same fork style your /5 has.

Other than style, and I went down that "cool look" route too, I'd stay with gaiters - cool in their own massive way. Without gaiters, the naked legs will get pitted and dinged by road rocks and the seals will wear a little faster.

My opinion.

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