Church of the Latter Day Amish

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Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by Garnet »

I coppied this from the /5 United Group. Author at the bottom.

"I've used up part of my Sunday trying to turn two bad microwave ovens into one
good one by the time-honored method of swapping parts. No joy.

Not that it was unexpected, but at least I know I tried. That is worth

I approached the whole task with more than a bit of timidity, especially given
the dire warnings about deadly voltages, so I may have quit sooner than I should
have. But I haven't gotten this old without learning to respect my discomfort
when approaching things technical in ignorance. And a microwave oven is full of
technical bits I confess ignorance of.

Which got me thinking about what being an Airhead is. We commonly call
ourselves Luddites, but I don't think that is really appropriate. We love
technology, study it passionately, and are intensely proud of our ability to
care for and repair our machines. You won't find us throwing wooden shoes
(sabots, in Dutch) into machinery, thereby causing sabot-age.

Nope, not Luddites. Now that I've thought about it, it seems the Amish are more
our spiritual brethren. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking the Amish are
technical dullards. They are masters of the technology they deem fit to use.
It is just they have chosen to limit what technology they DO use. Steam,
gasoline and electric power they choose to leave be. They have no vendetta
against such powers, they simply don't employ them.

But within the sphere of the technologies they do employ, they can be intensely
competent and highly ingenious.

I remember once seeing an obviously Amish contraption beside a country road. It
was installed on a little stream that had been dammed and outfitted with a small
water wheel. The waterwheel drove a cam which caused a long, high pole to
reciprocate. There was a LONG cable attached to the top of the pole, leading up
to the farmhouse. I'll take bets that the motion of that wire drove a pump
inside the farmhouse, pumping water for the family and their animals. Clever!

So what about us Airheads? We have a more inclusive definition of acceptable
technologies, but we still stick to the human scale. We use gasoline engines
and DC electricity. We put up with the fact that AC current exists in our
machines, and diodes to boot, but keep them strictly confined. Outside of the
diodes there is nothing on our machines that Thomas Edison wouldn't have

And all of it... ALL of it is comprehensible and maintainable by a human being
with reasonable skills and a modest set of hand tools. Only the most involved
procedures, such as engine and transmission rebuilds, require deep technical
knowledge and specialized machine tools. Still there is a reasonable chance
that one man could master every aspect of the technology that goes into the

So here we are, Latter Day Amish, trying with some success to hold the
overwhelming and confusing new technologies at bay while we practice our old,
traditional crafts.

Sadly, we are a dying breed, less and less at home in the world that is moving
on, with or without us.

It's a shame I couldn't repair that microwave. But it's not a surprise."

Ed Bianchi
'71 R60/5 "Homer"
'84 R80RT "Carmina"
'87 K75C/Dauntless "Lady Carol"

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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by Major Softie »

The Amish haven't even sworn off the technologies you mentioned, only kept them out of their homes. I understand it is common now for them to have a phone, but it's kept out in the barn.

It's always confused me a little how the Amish treat technology - they are quite willing to buy metals that were produced using all the technologies they think they should avoid. If it's really detrimental for people to be around those technologies, it seems like they don't care about the impact it has on others, only the impact it has on themselves. They've always seemed to take a very "NIMBY" approach, rather than being concerned with the impact of any of those things on society as a whole, or on the planet as a whole.
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by dougie »

Garnet wrote: It's a shame I couldn't repair that microwave. But it's not a surprise."
But I bet we're all good at rubbing sticks together for a fire.
As good as a microwave. Just slower. :mrgreen:
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by melville »

When Mrs. melville and I got married quite some time ago, my mother was ready to give us all sortsa (crap) stuff. Trying to get her to just come 4000 miles and be happy with the day, I worked "We are nouveau Amish" into the conversation. She was then ready to buy a seat for a cult deprogrammer on the way to us, and another seat for me on the way back to save me from whatever awful influence I had come under. Took a few days to smooth that one over!

There are presently nine German aircooled vehicles at the house. One has an electronic ignition trigger (points replacement), and one has EFI. Both are not on the same vehicle--that would be entirely too much. I'm replumbing the EFI presently--yowza there's a lot going on there!
Call me Mel. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me at home, I thought I would ride about a little and see the other parts of the world.
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by Garnet »

melville wrote:
There are presently nine German aircooled vehicles at the house. One has an electronic ignition trigger (points replacement), and one has EFI. Both are not on the same vehicle--that would be entirely too much. I'm replumbing the EFI presently--yowza there's a lot going on there!
How come eveything needs three wires?

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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by dougie »

Garnet wrote:How come eveything needs three wires?
Yeah what's up with that?
Electrons in, electrons out. Two wires should do everything. :x
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by melville »

Garnet wrote:
melville wrote:
There are presently nine German aircooled vehicles at the house. One has an electronic ignition trigger (points replacement), and one has EFI. Both are not on the same vehicle--that would be entirely too much. I'm replumbing the EFI presently--yowza there's a lot going on there!
How come eveything needs three wires?
Thank god I'm only replumbing and not rewiring. Perhaps the third wire is a redundant path for the smoke?
Call me Mel. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me at home, I thought I would ride about a little and see the other parts of the world.
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by mattcfish »

I'm not alone in my madness? I pitty all of you that share Garnet's Amishness. I too, open up every malfunctioning microwave and TV before it goes to the dump. Like Dr. Frankenstein, I have brought many back to life, using my collection of spare parts. Still, my thrifty (but opinionated) wife usually finds a reason why the rejuvinated appliance must still be discarded.
"It just doesn't match the new toaster oven."
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by Garnet »

mattcfish wrote: "It just doesn't match the new toaster oven."
What was wrong with Avocado Green? :?

Major Softie
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Re: Church of the Latter Day Amish

Post by Major Softie »

Garnet wrote:
mattcfish wrote: "It just doesn't match the new toaster oven."
What was wrong with Avocado Green? :?
Blends great with Harvest Gold.
MS - out
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