An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

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John Falconer
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An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

Post by John Falconer »

I was down at Stanford recruiting last Wednesday and parked next to which was intriguing. I is hard for me to think of being comfortable on this at more than about 35 miles per hour but it is an interesting one.

Image shows the front end.

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Re: An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

Post by Sibbo »

Interesting work ...a home build I assume ?
"You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know"
The Grateful Dead
Deleted User 287

Re: An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

Post by Deleted User 287 »

They should have paid Craig Vetter for some fairing consultation.
Major Softie
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Re: An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

Post by Major Softie »

That is not an Earles Fork.

That would be described as, perhaps, double leading-link?

I hate the lower shock mount location...
MS - out
John Falconer
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Re: An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

Post by John Falconer »

You are ... of course, correct, in that it is not an Earles but rather a double leading link.

I'll claim a senior moment here! :? John
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Re: An Electric Cycle - Earles Front Fork

Post by Chuey »

It's pretty interesting how this stuff works. In some ways, these things are wide open and subject to change or evolution. But then someone comes along and thinks they'll show those old guard boys how it's done. It happens in bicycles. Skateboard companies come in and decide the bike industry doesn't know as much as they do about alloys and decide to make aluminum bikes our of 2024 series aluminum without heat treating it. Well, you can't heat treat 2024, evidently, but the downside is they made some bikes that had the head tubes popping off. Usually, in the bicycle business, we leave that to the carbon fiber folks.

Then, you have the motorcycle people. They come in and make stuff and it can be a real big news story how this big motorcycle company make some revolutionary bicycle. That's usually the last we hear of it.

Now, we got the electronic power battery boys designing go kart oops, I meant motorcycle front suspension. Way to go guys and gals. That must steer real light like. When you turn left, does the bike want to keep going left? Is it hard to get it to go straight again?

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