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Bing Flat top carbs vs regular 32mm?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:19 pm
by jjwithers
I've never had a set of Flat Top carbs in my hands. I do think the look cool... but i know nothing about them.

Can somebody give me the quick lowdown on the advantages or disadvantages of them over a regular CV carb?



Re: Bing Flat top carbs vs regular 32mm?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:07 am
by Deleted User 287
The only two disadvantages I know of is the diaphragm is held on to the slide with a nylon snap ring instead of a steel washer and screws. The other is that they don't have the big spring on top to push the slide back down, although that has never been a problem for me.

It used to be that Bing did not sell the nylon snap rings. Now they do.

About the only advantage is that they don't have the potential for air leaks around the "button" in the center of the dome on the dome tops.

Flat tops are held in place with only two fasteners. Dome tops four. Less weight on the drag strip.

There might be other advantages/disadvantages. I am about as amateur a mechanic as they come.

Re: Bing Flat top carbs vs regular 32mm?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:13 am
by Jeff in W.C.
justoneoftheguys wrote:Flat tops are held in place with only two fasteners. Dome tops four. Less weight on the drag strip.
The newer 32mm carbs, such as on my '88, have the top held in place by only two fastners.