Patient is a '74 R90/6, with over 200,000kms. I have been getting a bit concerned that the valve clearances for the left jug consistently increase by 1 to 2 thou each maintenance cycle. Clearances for the right jug have been consistently good - zero or very little adjustment required. I was worried that a stud or two might be stripping, but all seem ok (I tried torquing them before removal - nothing unusual happened - just a satisfying immediate 'click' from the torque wrench at standard torque setting).
Here is what I found for the left jug -
The rockers:

The lifters:

The same components for the right jug are a bit ragged too, but not quite so bad. The camshaft appears to be just fine. The rockers and lifters showed some damage last time I was in there but shortage of dollars dictated leaving them at the time - now they are somewhat worse and I might be able to find some dollars.
My question is, can these be resurfaced or is replacement the best option? If they must be replaced, can anyone suggest a good source? Thanks in advance.