That is very cool. It makes me wonder if I need one, or two, or three.
It looks like a very good knockoff of the late 50's to early 60's Triumph tank parcel grid. It also looks to have been expressly designed for that tank in the pic. The parcel grid on my '57 Triumph Thunderbird is significantly wider in the front and narrower in the rear.
When I was a kid riding the Triumph back in the day I thought the parcel grid was very un-cool. Very old foggey, and decidedly not the racy image I wanted to project to any young girls who might be watching. But it was my dad's bike and I couldn't take it off or he would have a fit. And if I did take it off, there would still be the holes in the tank where the screws go.
But now I am an old foggey and I like the grid. Wouldn't take it off for nuthin' And the girls I want to attract aren't girls either.
Could be I might change again when I hit my second childhood. But I doubt I'll be interested in impressing the girls. I mean old women. Who wants young girls? Their bodies may be perfect but their minds aren't. (With a rare exception or two, I reckon.)
There's no such thing as too many airheads