Alt BMW Forum Compromised

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Ken in Oklahoma
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Alt BMW Forum Compromised

Post by Ken in Oklahoma »

Hello all. I just got an email from Native/5. Rather than explain it I'll paste in the text:

"I've gotten several emails from various forum members via the Yahoo goup,...containing links to malicious websites. I think that Yahoo group has been compromised. I don't frequent the B'works forum anymore but still count many friends there. I don't think they would voluntarily participate in such a scheme, so I thought I would bring it to someone's attention. BTW, I have NOT gotten an email from you with the malicious link. You are just my preferred contact."

I've also gotten a couple emails ostensibly from Curt Henry with "Hot news" in the title

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Deleted User 62

Re: Alt BMW Forum Compromised

Post by Deleted User 62 »

Yep, I got the email from Curt and another from Lars, both appeared to be from the alternate boxerworks forum. Don't click on links in any email you did not expect to receive !
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Re: Alt BMW Forum Compromised

Post by StephenB »

Got those emails too.

It seems to be a common scheme with Yahoo data these days, remember the emails going round after our address books were compromised (I was victim of that too)!

I advise myself to not use any address books when using html- or other web-based mailing programs.

I am not tweeting, twittering, social networking, face booking on any of those "social" sites and I am reducing the amount of sites I am registered to. Just to avoid these kind of things.

Email is my best friend.
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Re: Alt BMW Forum Compromised

Post by lrz »

Tim Shepherd wrote:Yep, I got the email from Curt and another from Lars, both appeared to be from the alternate boxerworks forum. Don't click on links in any email you did not expect to receive !

That's me.

I only use that Yahoo mail account for Craigslist buying & selling so I assumed it was related to that; that account also emailed my "real" email a message, ostensibly from altboxerworks, but it was a link to wedding gowns which I obviously didn't open.

Few days later, Yahoo sent me a notice that my email had been accessed in Maylasia, never been there.

So, altboxerworks was the culprit? I owe Mr Newmark an apology :lol:

If you haven't reset your Yahoo password, I'd do it now even if you don't use the acct.

Maybe hit the reset button for altbworks as well?
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