Recent project is to loose my Pichler fairing. In doing so I need to rewire the bucket. All electics where in a extra box between the fairing and the handlebars. So far Most seem OK by following the color-codes, but I can't get the starter to engage. I found one relay in there and guess thats for the starter. All help would be appreciated!
Wiring for the starter, in the bucket
Wiring for the starter, in the bucket
'74 R90/6
'97 R850R
'74 R90/6
'97 R850R
Re: Wiring for the starter, in the bucket
After scanning schemes I think the relay is for the turn signals. I'll run without them for the time being, they're not mandatory in Norway. Looks like there's a light brown and a light blue that comes from the starter switch..hmm, I'll pop down and have a look.
'74 R90/6
'97 R850R
'74 R90/6
'97 R850R
Re: Wiring for the starter, in the bucket
Solved it..Now I'm only missing high beam. must check the switch I guess
'74 R90/6
'97 R850R
'74 R90/6
'97 R850R