5646 AB Highway
Fair Grove MO
GPS 37.421105 N
93.240240 W
Ron Moss
cell number: 417-379-4087
email: rttmoss@swbell.net
Google Map of Rally Location
37.421105 N 93.240240 W
Plenty of camping spaces !
The site is about 20 miles north of Springfield, MO with a population of 160660.
To the west about 3.5 miles is Pleasant Hope, MO with a population of 615.
To the east about 8 miles is Fair Grove, MO with a population of 1400.
To the north 18 miles on US 13 is Bolivar, MO with a population of 10350.
To the north 23 miles on US 65 is Buffalo, MO with a population of 3080.
Branson, MO is about 60 miles due south on US 65 with a population of 10700.
The site is very easy to find being north of I 44, and half way between US 13 and US 65 on
AB highway. Google 37.421105 n 93.240240 w
Springfield has more than 800 places to eat, more than 50 hotels/motels.
It is home to Bass Pro. Bass Pro is listed as the largest tourist attraction in the state.
For those interested in wood working, Grizzly has a huge store.