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by kymaera
Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:13 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Can You Tell Me More About This Tank Bag?
Replies: 3
Views: 871

Re: Can You Tell Me More About This Tank Bag?

That awesome, thank you! A couple follow ups... The blue inside piece. I don't understand how that zips to anything. It seems like I'm missing a piece that should zip to it as a lid, inside the main case (under the map pocket). Any idea if the 'RE' marking means anything? The leather is in pretty go...
by kymaera
Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:36 am
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Can You Tell Me More About This Tank Bag?
Replies: 3
Views: 871

Can You Tell Me More About This Tank Bag?

Hi all, I was given this tank bag and I'd love to have it restored, but I'd like to know more about it. What is it supposed to look like? Am I missing a piece? Does it have a name or model #? Do you know how/where I can get it restored? What do you guys think? Thanks for your help! -Jeff https://dl....
by kymaera
Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:45 am
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flashers On
Replies: 10
Views: 2619

Re: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flasher

So. I'm an idiot. I still had to replace the switches, but replacing the fuse fixed the problem. It is the strangest behavior I've ever seen from a blown fuse, but I'm not used to working on machines this old. Thank you all very much for your thoughtful input. Coming soon, a thread discussing how to...
by kymaera
Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:43 am
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flashers On
Replies: 10
Views: 2619

Re: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flasher

My advice would be to get the circuits working with the old type fuses before making any mods. That way you'll know whether any problems are the rsult of the current faults or what you've done. If, ultimately, you decide to replace the fuses, and I can see the advantages of not having to delve into...
by kymaera
Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:01 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flashers On
Replies: 10
Views: 2619

Re: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flasher

Thanks very much for the awesome feedback. Here is what I found. 1) I was able to confirm the brake light issue. 2) I did find a blown fuse. Honestly I hadn't been able to find the fuse box previously. I was looking for modern fuses and what I found is very much an older style fuse. It was the top f...
by kymaera
Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:48 pm
Forum: Post 1970 Airheads
Topic: Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flashers On
Replies: 10
Views: 2619

Turn Signals + Horn Don't Work Without High Beam Flashers On

Hi all, New Airhead owner here. I've got a 1983 R65 I've been cleaning up and putting back together. It runs pretty well (throttle response sucks, but that's not what we are here for today). Unfortunately after a few hundred miles it has developed a problem where the turns signals and horn wont work...