Short stroke engine

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Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:20 pm

Re: Short stroke engine

Post by R85/8 »

barryh wrote:I have no expert knowledge of this but have you considered the influence of stroke/rod ratio on torque characteristics...
I have, and I don't think it will be a critical factor. I can alter the carburettion and ignition timing to allow for any perceived difference, and with the standard cam profiles I don't expect any noticeable difference.

I haven't got a set of R100 rods handy to measure, but this mod will lengthen them by only 4.5mm. (Anyone care to give a conrod measurement between centres for an 70.6 stroke engine?)

This is not about topend but about making a smoother bike at the speeds I'm likely to ride it, i.e. mainly legal, so I won't mind if I lose a few hp at the top of the scale.
New to the forum, but returning BMW owner. (R75/5 1970, R75/7 1977, to K1 in 1989). Not new to making, fixing, or modifying stuff in metal or plastic. Don't need to be taught how to suck eggs, but if you've got a new way, I'm interested :)
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