MMMM Chienese take away.

His girthiness made a career for him.Zombie Master wrote:Have you seen the size of that O ring? RJ must be a girthy fellow!Major Softie wrote:Zombie Master wrote:BTW will you guys re-use the big white O ring and shim if they look good?The BWORing can be re-used but only by Ron Jeremy, and not for his oil filter.
Vote here for the best Chinese in Victoria British Columbia:Garnet wrote:A chopstick would probably make a good tool.
MMMM Chienese take away.
That raises questions that aren't even suitable for the Speakeasy. Dude, you may need to seek some help!ME 109 wrote: I have tried using a skewer before, but the chicken obscured the ball.
Remove the chicken, reverse the skewer, and use the flat end.ME 109 wrote:Youse guys are funny.
I don't have wooden skewers for probing my ball, but I do have a chainsaw file.
Ideally, the probing object needs a flat on the end..................much like a chainsaw file really..
The 'flat' prevents the end of the 'probe' from easily slipping off the ball....
I have tried using a skewer before, but the chicken obscured the ball.
Of the chicken?ME 109 wrote:
Exactly Vanzen.
And don't forget to wear safety glasses to prevent poking one self in the eye with the pointy end!
Nah, the pointy end of the stick. The pointy ends of the chicken were removed, so to sbeak.Major Softie wrote:
Of the chicken?
I used a wooden chop stick. Had the nice flat end. The ball is still n place with light spring resistance. I installed the filter with new white O ring, new shim, and new gaskets on the filter cover and sump plug. I am most virtuous.ME 109 wrote:Youse guys are funny.
I don't have wooden skewers for probing my ball, but I do have a chainsaw file.
Ideally, the probing object needs a flat on the end..................much like a chainsaw file really..
The 'flat' prevents the end of the 'probe' from easily slipping off the ball....
I have tried using a skewer before, but the chicken obscured the ball.