This bit came out when I was changing oil on my gearbox today. This gearbox was new (overhaul) from Motobins six years ago. Really don't know if I dare to ride it now. Last gearbox locked up for me. Slow speed but still.. What you guys think?
We always used an articulating arm with a magnet on it. We would swish it around on the bottom to see what it would pick up. I wish your photo had a coin alongside for a reference. I don't yet recognize the parts. What year and model bike is it?
I wouldn't ride it either until I knew more. It is almost impossible for this failure to be related to the rebuild.
Ask the Indians what happens when you don't control immigration.
The bike's a 74 90/6, but the gearbox is newer, without the kickstart and with the newer neutral-switch.
Bit measures 1,5 X 0,8 Cm...bout0.6 X 0.3 inches
Sure looks like gear dogs. Any gearchange that's extra chunky lately?
Call me Mel. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me at home, I thought I would ride about a little and see the other parts of the world.
Tranny for transmision..
I've experienced lately that I can pass a gear and go into neutral when going from - i think - third to second. It allways had extra neutrals.