Look what came out of my tranny

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Look what came out of my tranny

Post by hal »


Hi all,

This bit came out when I was changing oil on my gearbox today. This gearbox was new (overhaul) from Motobins six years ago. Really don't know if I dare to ride it now. Last gearbox locked up for me. Slow speed but still.. What you guys think?

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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by hal »


Trying once more to get the shots...

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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by Steve in Golden »

Were these what you meant?


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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by hal »

yep, came out when I picked into the hole before reentering the plug. going down to see if there's more in the tray..

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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by Duane Ausherman »

We always used an articulating arm with a magnet on it. We would swish it around on the bottom to see what it would pick up. I wish your photo had a coin alongside for a reference. I don't yet recognize the parts. What year and model bike is it?

I wouldn't ride it either until I knew more. It is almost impossible for this failure to be related to the rebuild.
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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by hal »

The bike's a 74 90/6, but the gearbox is newer, without the kickstart and with the newer neutral-switch.
Bit measures 1,5 X 0,8 Cm...bout0.6 X 0.3 inches

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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by lrz »

Is that from the sump or the gearbox? You mention "tray".

If sump, perhaps timing chain tensioner?
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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by melville »

Sure looks like gear dogs. Any gearchange that's extra chunky lately?
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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by hal »

Tranny for transmision..
I've experienced lately that I can pass a gear and go into neutral when going from - i think - third to second. It allways had extra neutrals.

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Re: Look what came out of my tranny

Post by pkboxer »

Shift dogs, when it was rebuilt, did they upgrade to a newer intermediate shaft where the area they attach is thicker?

Or if they used the internals from a newer (post 74) tranny, they should be the heavier type anyway.

I had lost 2 on my bike, think it's always (or almost always) 2nd gear.

If we had the archives you could pull up the whole story of when this happened. to me.

GSPD, if you remember him, thought that it could be fine for a long time on only 2 dogs (out of 4) but others didn't.

Main thught was not to trust it for a long trip w/o fixing but it wouldn't do anything more than lose a gear(s) if the other dogs came off.

The gear mine came off of was on the intermediate shaft, only available as a whole part, if at all. Very $$

I found a used shaft along with a matching output shaft and used that....
'74 - R90/6
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