points-shorting/misfiring heads up

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Re: points-shorting/misfiring heads up

Post by DucatiPete »

We weren't too purturbed by them requiring a slight mod, as they were only 6.65 British lbs, or roughly 9.8 Australian bananas.
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Re: points-shorting/misfiring heads up

Post by Airbear »

DucatiPete wrote:We weren't too purturbed by them requiring a slight mod, as they were only 6.65 British lbs, or roughly 9.8 Australian bananas.
What would that be in US cheeseburgers?

Pete, I'm glad you got that sorted. We discussed all sorts of pissabolities to do with the issue, and I totally failed to consider what happened to a similar set of Motobins points on Brunhilde a couple of months ago. I also had a short there and had far too many electrons going through the points spring. A lot of smoke escaped and the spring lost its spring (its raison d'etre), leaving the points permanently open. It was a scary moment, seeing smoke escape from the timing cover. I'll be keeping an i on that in the future.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

Graduate, Wallace and Gromit School of Engineering and Design (Pending)
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Re: points-shorting/misfiring heads up

Post by DucatiPete »

Airbear wrote: A lot of smoke escaped...
:shock: oooww... gotta keep that smoke in... we all know what happens if that gets out... ;)
Major Softie
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Re: points-shorting/misfiring heads up

Post by Major Softie »

Airbear wrote:
DucatiPete wrote:We weren't too purturbed by them requiring a slight mod, as they were only 6.65 British lbs, or roughly 9.8 Australian bananas.
What would that be in US cheeseburgers?
.72 Stone
MS - out
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